Podcast Episode 88: Bread and Speech

We begin the show with talk of restorative justice. 2 party BLM messaging, Kenosha memes, an entry-ism rant, and Star trek politics, leading into a reading and reaction to the 1st chapter of the Conquest of Bread. In the 2nd half we cover arguments about united fronts, Nazi fighting, and free speech debates.

Intermeso Audio: See it Through, by Ryan Harvey

Sources and Links

     Rightwing meme; God is with Kyle Wittenhouse; comments are crap
    Comment on RNC use of BLM
    The Bread Book Online
    Case for united front politics vs confrontation
    Counter to untied front plus free speech for professionals, not workers
    Further reading referred to criticizing the Harpers Letter for Free Speech.
    Unread: Another take from socialists that is negative toward Indpol in DSA
   More Indie Left groups endorse Hawkins Campaign

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