Season 1: 2018

For a full list of an episodes sources go to individual episode posts.

Season One is my first on the Air. It includes content I recorded in the few years before I recorded regularly. Between one off topics with friends; I focus on Green Party stories, practical victories on the ground, and discussing what general goals for a cohesive left could be.

Ep 1: Intro to the Show: mid 2015

I explain the concept and vision for the program in this test recording

Ep 2: Green Capitalism? Late 2015

I discuss the pitfalls of industrial scale renewables as a town opposes a solar farm.  I try to look at it from a class point of view.

Ep 3: Going Full Communist Mid 2016  With Nick P

I invite over a Socialist Party colleague, we discuss what we’re reading and various topics that align with our interests.

Ep 4: Gondola Socialism Late 2016

The rest of  Nick of the SP, we talk about Cuba, local politics, and argue about a proposed Gondola across the Hudson River.

Ep 5: The Micro and the Macro With Jeremy Brock    3/9/18

Supermarket Coworker Jeremy and I cover service worker strikes large and small, shift to local issues that pertain to gentrification; than go broad again to cover a ruling that legalizes sleeping in your car.

Ep 6: The infrastructures of our discontent    3/17/18

We cover a student walkout, review the plan to remove our river blocking highway, the plan for NY going off fossil fuels, and a Nation piece on the general alternative to capitalism in the form of co-op syndicates.

Ep 7: Gun Control…and nerd stuff    3/29/18

I respond to a mass shooting by covering a spread of takes on control from the far left, including that it has been racist.  I then go lighter by reading an anarchist review of StarWars VIII, and crowdfunded board games with social Justice content.

Ep 8: A Matter of Tactics   3/31/18

We cover direct action and its positive results against Israel, pipelines, and against the alt right. Also the related story that younger Jews like myself no longer support the Israeli project. Turns out us snowflakes find genocide icky.

Ep 9: Peak Liberalism    4/7/18

More of a variety show this time. Talking homelessness, 90’s media with anti-capitalist lessons, Dr Peterson and his Rules for Life, discuss Plato as required reading then finish with a piece about balancing being a consumer in the system and the desire to be ethical.

Ep 10: Long Odds   4/14/18

The first of a few episodes where I cover the presidential race in my own way. I start with the contradictions of facebook as a political tool and lack of trust in the system by my age group.I give my take on Yangs basic income, and cover Howie Hawkins campaign for Governor in NY. 

Ep 11: Earth Day Sandwich: With Jeremy Brock   4/21/18

Its Earth Day but we spend most of the episode talking about the Drug War, Police state, carpet bombing in Syria, but also cover eco-socialism as a concept, then local management of human waste and how we all mishandle our shit.

Ep 12: May Day Special: with Jeremy Brock  4/28/18

Union Victories, Class warfare, Cuba’s socialism is more feminist than liberals, political funding parity, and the ‘How version of anarchism, all this and more on May Day.

Ep 13: Back on Our Feet Swinging: 6/23/18  With Colin Ablele

Me and fellow socialist Colin discuss and debunk various bullshit, green-washing, capitalism; but also cover theories of how equal pre-modern societies were.

EP 14: Thinking and Struggling: with Sage   6/30/18

I have on friend ‘Sage’ to discuss changing minds via podcasts and debate tactics, We practice with a rebel town in Mexico and rejecting narratives of Laziness.

Ep 15: Tempered Progress: with Colin Ablele  7/7/18

Antifa gets a PR loss but AOC has won in Queens, What does the far left think of this? We cover green party responses and make a case that despite the victory of one DSA member an ind party is still needed. (episode is cut short due to technical error)

Ep 16 The system Drives us Mad with colin abele and Issac Hoppe   7/21/18 

  In the first half we cover electoral bullshit and a tat between our local police union and the leadership, along with the muddled responses from all sides. In the 2nd half we discuss the general problems with how we deal with mental health in America, both Colin and friend Issac share their personal stories and comment on content from the blog ‘Mad in America’ related to language policing.

Ep 17: SOLARPUNK!!!  WITH SAGE   7/28/18

We cover the movement known as Solarpunk and its politics. then a caucus in the Libertarian party of comrades looking to recruit sex workers as candidates (bottom unity?), Then some archeology to disrupt the euro-centric worldview.

Ep 18: Mow the Rich, not lawns:  with colin ablele  8/4/18

Colin from the local SP cover the ways the dems are being split in half from both ends, the NYTimes coverage of the Green Party, local wins against fossil fuels, and how terrible lawns are.

Ep 19: Antifa comes home with Matt D   8/20/18

Comrade and SP member Matt joins the show to discuss our recent trip to Charlottesville (for the anniversary) and time in a black block. We also discuss antifa activism in general with the results of Portland actions.

Ep 20: What are we fighting for?  8/25/18

I cover and comment on an essay of an artist friend of mine, Hawkins explanation of socialism, and a massive prison strike across the south.

        For a Time I recorded 2 hours at a time like usual but instead split the time to have consistently hour long episodes that better keep to a theme. Eventually I revert; these change is also dependent on the radio station and its automation process.

Ep 21+22:  SCHOOL (SO CALLED) CHOICE with lelia     9/1/18

I have on friend and not-activist Lelia to talk of her opinions and experience with local education policy, we discuss (and rant) about charter schools and local politics.

                   Democrats and their problems  9/8/18

I discuss and cover the limits and drawbacks of reformist policies, the NY sham dem primary and Howie Hawkins response.

Ep 23 and 24: with Sage:  9/15/18

        Jobs fix the climate apparently 

Good news. There’s consensus that without a solution, climate change will kill us, bad news, there are very bad ideas as to what qualifies as a solution. I cover 3 mainstream sources reacting to the UN saying capitalism needs to end with, ‘does it though?’

Eco Socialist Solidarity Plz

I follow Part 1 with intersectionality problems in environmental activism and how to overcome them.  Then we cover the oddness of the dem primary for Vermont governor, featuring a teenager and the moderate front-runner being a trans/gay businessperson.

EP 25  Dan Explains it All  9/15/18

Left without a co-host I am left ramble as I cover the Governors primary, publicly owned businesses, statute removal, racial Integration and more as I give my opinions on various topics along the way.

EP 26 and 27: 10/6/18

The Many Forms of Anarchism

Anarchism is more practice than anything, so I look at anarchistic projects large and small, from a region in the past, community work in Porto Rico, and a local squat. I wrap up with a take on the rising acceptance of socialism.

Follies of Dem Enter

I layout a case for inside-out electoralism with stories about the backpedaling cowardice of the Working Families party in NY, how dems are keeping a socialist from running altogether, a veteran activist’s take on DSA work, and a rant from Green Party Congressional Candidate Greenfield.

EP 28 and 29:  10/13/18

Escape and Validation Needed

This one hits a few points in a line. I give my take of Kanye’s meeting/photo op with Trump, a breakdown of a reform bill, explain leftwing goals in capitalism. Related is the topic of belonging and escape from objectivity, via 9-11 truth and an explanation from a Left-tuber.

A self Conscious History of the World

Two pieces from meta-modernism blog continue the theme of the last hour with a discussion of history, larger trends, and a possible way of ‘escaping’ capitalism. 

Ep 30 and 31: 10/20/18

Buying ourselves out of the system

I talk about the Gritty Meme; Then cover examples of people organizing and buying their workplace to form a co-op; tenants buying their homes, and workers with whole countries.

Left Unity ??

I Use Chris Hedges to represent some challenges to Left unity, with him at his best and worst.  I cover the Marxist Center conference which seeks to bring various radical groups together, greens winning in Germany, and the hate mail that Candidate Greenfield gets and how he responds to it.

Ep 32 and 33:   with Josh Muno    11/3/18  

Bottom Up worker unity

Myself and socialist friend Josh cover commune development in Venezuela, and the role of unions in the Russian Revolution. It seems Socialist revolution is never as top-down as detractors want to think it is.

Dividing lines in elections and Beyond

We continue the unions piece. Then we cover electoral issues with some shade to Dem-socs, make a green Party Appeal, and more comments from  Green Candidate Greenfield.

Ep 34 and 35: 11/17/18

How to respond to ecocide?

Covering some permaculture, A piece about how solar panels can’t be recycled, Direct Action for climate emergency, and a debrief of minor party results from the ’18 midterms.

Jewish history for the perplexed

Jewish history is often unknown or misrepresented, I give my own top-down version to hopefully clear some things up.

ep 36: 12/8/18  Think Global, Act Local

Covering local focused policy, follow up with the Stein recount 2 years later, and the general results of green party campaigns this year.

EP 37:   12/15/18  Yellow Vests and Global Direct democracy

General overview of the Yellow vest movement, two left-wing statements on it, I then cover assemblies in Rojava and France, linking them together.