What’s Left In Albany


With the move to working full time I needed to cut the show down to an hour.  I also had a strong interest to refocus on local issues and politics in a way no other outlet had down before by providing consistent radical commentary.  I devote half of the episodes to interviewing or spotlighting anyone doing activism or a community project.  The 30 episodes are over a year and a half and two things lead to its much shorter run; soon into starting interviews I get the urge after 5 years of podcasting and doing radio to be doing the organizing and not talking about them anymore. The other is the lack of progress or development with the station I was working with as I produced the show, as I was now managing it. However, leadership didn’t have the same vision, goals, or priorities as I did so I found I had to move on.



Ep 1:   Buildings and Renting   June 2022

BLM (and bugs) in Court; the Landlord lobby changes its name; Development in the Warehouse district; an effort to bridge tenants and good landlords



Ep 2:  More Buildings and Beyond Renting   June 2022

Snafu in Inclusionary zoning:  Non-profit development is really complex; South End Grocery saga begins ; Community investment trust started, county fights over control of the downtown parking crater.



EP 3:  Union Bust and City Issues   10/18/2022

The regional Amazon union fails; Walkability news, Homeless eviction in Saratoga, A Landlord gets fined, setback for the police review board’s budget



EP4:   Election Night Convo w/Collin Thomas    11/1/2022

Me and fellow eco-socialist do election watch duty and vent about The Dems.



EP5:   Interview with Berkshires DSA leader      11/22/22

Referred over by Colin; I chat with a new leftist and their radical organizing in the next region over



EP6:  Interview with Janet Carmosky: Earthshot Gallery    12/13/22

A chat with person of interest running a social space/art gallery in Center Square.



EP7:   Urban Developments and Asks     1/4/23

Urban Development news; from the Central warehouse, an ‘affordable’ block, and Albany Academy;   plus bus and pedestrian items;



EP8:    Albany Walkabout, Tax policy Talk  1/24/23

More on the bus station, downtown development, short term rentals and taxe policy, plus covering plans for foreign wind Industry at the Port



EP9:   The Regional Satanic Temple      1/31/23

I’m joined by leaders of the local chapter of the Satanic temple, part secularist civic organization, part mutual aid group, part religion for legal reasons. 



Ep10:   Chipping at a mind tunnel         2/21/23

Side issue show: I discuss how Brains are not computers and jab at other dehumanizing social metaphors



Ep11:   Downtown Transit Options     3/21/23

Updates on items from last urbanist episode;  speed humps being put in; successful train service to VT restored



Ep 12: Inclusionary zoning reform; Downtown and uptown changes  4/2023

Inclusionary zoning drama; postcovid downtown retail success,  Uptown special housing project and NIMBY response



Ep 13:    Education or Housing, but not Jobs    5/16/23

Proposal for HVCC campus to replace housing projects in Lincoln Park, I discuss Job Guarantees as ideal policy vs lack of universal higher education.



Ep 14:  I-787, Leadership=talking, and Dying Malls   6/2023

Various Stories: NY is getting Smoked: 787 Reconstruction study begins,  A Leadership Study about talkers, Two Area Malls in Trouble, responding in different ways.



EP 15:   Vacant Property Merry-Go-Round  6/27/23

 An Opinion piece and various discussion regarding Vacant properties; Land Back court ruling



EP 16:   The 787 Redesign and Consulting the Hood.       7/11/23

Albany Riverfront Collaborative visit to discuss their outreach efforts, the design process, and overlaps with social justice.



EP 17:  Local Regulators and Social problems   

Two stories from opposite ends of the class divide: The Methadone clinic which is overburden by anti addict bias, and a suburban farm stand owned by an heiress burdened by unfriendly town government. 



EP 18:   Scott Ritter;      World Saving Writer

Nuke and Arms control activist Scott Ritter joins the program to talk about current projects and his message and cause.



EP 19:  The Return of Sam FIen     (and the 2 Lefts show)

Progressive County Legislator Sam talks about free transit and housing counsel; housing policy show divides in thinking.



EP 20:   Enter The Machine pt1

Start of a reading from Mayor Corning Biography; detailing the rise of the political Machine of Albany.



EP 21: Butterflies in the South End

Mother Daughter Team shares what they’ve done with a vacant lot and personal ecological projects



EP22:  The Local Toastmasters

Interview with organizers of public speaking club with a long history and still growing



EP23:  Enter the Machine Part 2

Continued Reading of Corning Bio About Albany’s machine politics, its workings and conservatism.



EP24:  Enter the Machine Part 3

3rd and last reading from Corning Biography and exploration of the political machine, how it lasted and how it echos around us.



EP25:  Food Mirage in the South End

Covering the troubles at the South End Grocery and its spillover to the Black Cultural Center



EP26:   Housing Rights in Process

Sit down with Canyon Ryan, of United Tenants of Albany as we talk about the current state of Reform and organizing.



EP27:   More Questions than Answers about Nonprofits

South End Grocery is a bust; I read and comment on TU coverage and muse about nonprofits in general. The incompetence is staggering but also endemic as I prepare to leave Grand St Arts.



EP28:   Albany Stories Wrap up

Final Followup on the Bus Station, 787 Traffic study supports take down; also County honest salary listing law



EP29:   What To Do About Albany?

An old story to summarize how poorly Albany addresses social ills and lack of community; A Case for a commuter tax



EP30: What’s Wrong with Capitalism: What’s ‘Left’ to Do

I End the Program with a Double Length ‘Postscript 3 Lefts’ Episode:  I give a Marxist breakdown of capitalism and its contradictions; then I discuss 3 potential projects for overcoming them. I look toward the future.